
Edited Methodology

7.1. Primary research Our team conducted an online survey to gather the statistics of students and staff members of SIT Dover campus who encounter difficulty finding seats in the canteen they frequent. In addition, the team consulted various canteen store vendors on the feasibility of the application. Primary research was done in hope that the application will benefit both the patrons of the school canteens and the vendors. 7.2. Secondary research Internet research were conducted to identify articles or sources that will bring credibility to the report. Thereafter, the gathered information was analyzed and applied to the proposal. All secondary research can be found in the References and Appendices section.

Critical Reflection

One of the goals I have set for myself in this module is to improve my oral presentation skills by overcoming my fear to speak in front of a huge crowd. Due to the lack of practice, I lost the opportunity to present my best and smoothly delivery the content I had intended to. A good presentation requires constant effort to practice. However, I was held up with other assignments and projects which left minimal time for me to work on my presentation. The project’s oral presentation was a total disappointment as I was unable to conquer my fear of presenting in front of a crowd. I was too nervous to articulate my ideas smoothly, thus I mumbled through the presentation. After this experience, I realized the importance of maintaining a good posture and eye contact with the audience to keep the audience engaged. The use of visual aid should also be reduced to minimal to avoid confusion between my presentation and the content in it. Most importantly, I feel that despite not being able...

Analytical Reflection on Oral Presentation

Oral presentation has always been a challenge as nervousness has always been a major problem for me whenever I am speaking in front of a crowd. Hence, before the actual presentation, I had several practices with my team members beforehand to overcome my problem. During the rehearsals, I felt that I was able to articulate my ideas and speak fluently in front of my team members. Unfortunately, nervousness took over me during the actual presentation, which resulted in me leaving out crucial contents. Thus, I received many negative feedback, one of which I was told that my presentation was not in line with my report and my ideas were not delivered smoothly. However, I was complimented for engaging the audience as well as maintaining a good posture during the presentation. With the experience and feedback, I realized to improve my presentation I will have to overcome my fear of speaking in front of a huge crowd. This can be solved with practices and experiences gained over time and...

Reader Response (Edited)

In the article “3D building models help bring sustainability into construction”, Jenkins (2015) claims that Building Information Modelling (BIM) has adverse possibilities in replacing traditional 2D drawings. BIM creates a three-dimensional (3D) model of the actual building and runs computer stimulation that is capable of countering imminent errors and calculations before the construction of a building , which minimizes construction defects and reduces building cost. This is supported by Sutton (as cited from Jenkins,2015) , who mentioned that the innovation of BIM has brought the building industry to a new height due to the innovative approach of calculating design data before the building is physically built. This process significantly shortens the time of construction as well as reducing building materials. BIM has become an essential design tool due to the demand of more complex building and the emphasis of reducing building’s environmental impact by improving energy efficiency ...

Technical report draft 2

Wendy Gwee SIT Estate Singapore Institute of Technology 10 Dover Drive Singapore 138682 Dear Ms Gwee, RE: Proposal to implement seat occupancy detection mobile application I am Poh Cheron, a first year student from the Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering programme at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). I am tasked to do a problem solution project along with two other students to develop Singapore in a manner that benefits its citizens as by our lecturer, Mr. Brad Blackstone. As current students, we do realize that many students face the problem of circling among 2 canteens, namely Canopy and iEat, in search of a vacant seat during lunch time. Attached to this email is a detailed report which consists of a description of the current situation, the rationale behind the proposed solution, an evaluation of the benefits and a summary of all related primary and secondary research involved. If you have further queries, you may wish to contact me at 9756-3378 or my fe...

Technical Report (Draft 1)

As students of Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), we have noticed that the Canopy canteen at the Dover campus is often packed with students and staff between 12 p.m. till 2p.m. daily. Given that student’s lunch breaks are mostly an hour, it is often a struggle to enjoy a meal without the pressure of time before the next lesson begins. A survey was conducted among 27 students showed that 60% of the respondents indicated that they spend approximately 5 to 10 minutes every day circling within the canteen of their choice looking for seats. These results are not inclusive of time taken to walk between crowded canteens searching for available seats as well as time taken queueing up for food. As such, it has become A-Team’s interest to develop a solution to help reduce unnecessary wastage of time. The 3 canteens Canopy Café, iEat and the Crown Coffee at SIT Dover campus offer a total seating capacity of ____. Canopy canteen has proven to be the preferred lunch venue for students a...

Reader Response (Final)

In the article “3D building models help bring sustainability into construction”, Jenkins (2015) claims that Building Information Modelling (BIM) has adverse possibilities in replacing traditional 2D drawings. BIM creates a three-dimensional (3D) model of the actual building and runs computer stimulation that is capable of countering imminent errors and calculations before the construction of a building which minimizes construction defects and reduces building cost. This is supported by Sutton (as cited from Jenkins,2015) who mentioned that the innovation of BIM has brought the building industry to a new height due to the innovative approach of calculating design data before the building is physically built. This process significantly shortened the time of construction as well as reducing building materials. BIM has become an essential design tool due to the demand of more complex building and the emphasize of reducing building’s environmental impact by improving energy efficiency and ...